La reina ha muerto (élite)

Side Story

Atrapa a los tenientes de la reina sirena, destruye la máquina antigua y derrota a la reina sirena. Luego, repórtate ante Onizuka, el dirigente, en el asentamiento de Reekwater.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,530 XP 166.25 Coin 800 Territory Standing 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
La deconstrucción de un plan
Completion needed for the quests below
Larga vida a la reina (élite)
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Rainer Kaba

Orb is not 100% drop every time, have to farm the bosses to get it

jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Venture into Forecastle Drift and put a stop to the Siren Queen's plans

Eliminate 3 The Siren's Lieutenants in Forecastle Drift

Eliminate 3 The Siren's Lieutenants in Spire of Melpomene

Search 3 containers for Gunpowder Casks

Loot the Siren Tuning Orb from one of the Siren Queen's lieutenants


You can do all this easy during an elite run.

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