Semillas de acero

Side Story

Encuentra y lee el credo de la Rosa de hierro.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
510 XP 50.00 Coin 1,000 Territory Standing
Must complete the quest below
Relatos de primera mano
Prerequisites - Additional
Must complete the following quest
Medidas desesperadas
Completion needed for the quests below
Un jardín de hierro
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Marcos Bustos

Quest is bugged. once you collect the sword she changes locations but the help marks that she's in the same place as before. She is not there an even if you go to the new location she won't act as if the mission is complete.

jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Venture into the Iron Rose Garrison and find The Iron Creed.

You will find this document to read in the south part of the area, inside of a house, in the first floor.
It is on a small table, right next to a big book shelf.

When you are done, go back to Roya Hakimi. She will wait in a different place than before.
Get the fast travel shrine Iron Rose Shrine on your way there.

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