Ahora que la emperatriz Zhou sucumbió a la corrupción y está decidida a abandonar Aeternum, el príncipe Liang está en peligro, al igual que el resto del mundo. Por consejo de Grace O'Malley, consigue acceder al embarcadero real y detén el barco de la emperatriz.
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Bring a friend.
Defeat the Corrupted x4
Defeat Fleet Admiral Huang for his Seal of Command
Defeat Fleet Admiral Xin for his Seal of Command
Found in Imperial Palace - Level 62 Gold Wing/Fringe Bosses
First two in a regular ECR in IMP
Part II:
Defeat Fleet Admiral Po for his seal of Commaned
Down on the d.o.c.k area toward Dynasty.
Turn in to the infamous Grace O'Malley
Found in Imperial Palace - Level 62 Gold Wing/Fringe Bosses
First two in a regular ECR in IMP
Then prepare for one of those Solo Soul Trials.
Safe Journeys. Good Luck.