Upgrading Items to Legendary with Umbral Shards

Lets take a look at how you can upgrade Epic items to Legendary, using Umbral Shard.

Latest PTR update reduces the Gear Score required for using Fragmento de umbra consumido from 600, to 590. This also introduces a side effect, which allows you to convert some items from Epic to Legendary.

Those are items that come with a preset perks list (mostly named items), where you lose the last perk unless it is 600 Gear Score, such items are: Infamia, Voluntad de los antiguos, Comienzos, Anillo de peso pluma, Pendiente de la ventura de la perdición just to name a few. Upgrading these kind of items to 600 Gear Score using Umbral Shards, will unlock the fifth perk slot (fifth? read technical explanation below), making them Legendary.

We've also got an Umbral Shards Guide which contains a list of all shard requirements and reward values.

Technical Explanation

Lets start with some basics - items can have up to 5 perks (not 3). From a technical point of view, attributes and gems (or gem slots) are just perks. The maximum amount of perks an item can have is decided by the item's Tier and Gear Score. A Tier 5 item needs 600 Gear Score for it to be able to have the last perk slot unlocked (which is needed for legendary items).

The Gear Score - Perk Count system is used in two different ways:

  1. When dropping/crafting/obtaining in any way, an item with random perks, you will only roll for the eligible perk buckets, based on the item's Gear Score (which is rolled before the perks).
  2. When items have a preset list of perks, the system is still used to "disable" non eligible perks. This is what happens to, for example, Infamia when it is below 600 Gear Score.

Case #2 is what we're interested in. Even if the Gear Score is too low for the last perk, the perk itself is still attached to the item, compared to case #1 where it isn't. The perk gets disabled. If you use Umbral Shards to bump up the item's Gear Score too 600, it will unlock the last perk slot (which already has a predefined perk inside), and the item becomes Legendary.

This case applies to every single item in the game which has a preset perk list, where the last perk just gets disabled due to low Gear Score.

There's also some fixed gear score items, like Guillotina, which can also be upgraded to legendary. AGS is probably gonna remove the last perk on these - they already did that with Pistola de agujas, which no longer has Movimiento revitalizante on PTR.

What remains to be seen is if this is intended, or just a slight oversight. I personally hope it's intended, or if it isn't, that it stays, since it makes it more enjoyable knowing your 599 Gear Score Infamia isn't gonna go to waste.

Edit: Kay from AGS has confirmed on the official Discord server that this mechanic is intended.

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Demoted [Edited]

This will allow for people to use look as a way showing power. Which is how it always should be with MMO's should always be about looking the best.

The next MMO to do it right will do it by using hard content to gain great looking gear. THat is the value of MMO's anymore, people hate stat gaps b.c it limits play and new players are forced to catch up which limits new players in every MMO anymore. IF you know your stats will all be normalized and the only difference is how you play and how you learn your characters skills it would be more enjoyable to everyone.

Next MMO should be about getting the best looking gear and not about getting that next stat upgrade. It should be about the achievements you do and have done. If the next MMO does that than expect new players to join constantly b.c they know they wont need to worry about "Catching up" to friends or everyone else.

One thing I hate about New World is no skins other than what you can buy for the most part. YOu should have been able to look however you wanted depending on the gear you salvaged.


let's wait and see now how this change will impact the game in the future. In the future all the new content with hard bosses and great drops will be just as exciting as chopping wood because they'll be obtainable in the first week of release, just think about it. At least reddit and even the author of this site will stop complaining about "RNG" in a 🤬ing mmorpg... The playerbase is never at fault, they say


@Lazix I wholeheartedly agree. When I acquire legendary items I want to feel like I earned something of incredible value. Instead this feels like a slap in the face and now everyone will be running around with BiS expedition weapons because they will be able to upgrade their purples to attain legendary status. Also it is definitely a slap in the face to crafters.

Lazix [Edited]

I think, that if a schematic is legendary, and an item in a crafting list appears as legendary, but only has 4/5 perks when crafted... that is false advertising. To then additionally remove the potentiality for said item to attain the final perk, subsequently rubs salt in the wound. I think part of developing anything , is managing the expectations of the end user. When players see orange, they expect 5 mods. When they get 4... their expectations haven't been met, and it builds resentment/disappointment. I'm alright with certain items having to be crafted an then upgraded to gain the 5th mod, but I think whatever system they apply need to be applied consistently. If they're using Orange to indicate a legendary item or an item capable of attaining legendary status, then removing it's ability to do so is poor form.


that's good


this literally makes crafters useless.


@Shinx yep pretty much, and 🤬 everyone else who put effort in getting those items. With buffed drop rates and easily accessible dungeons these chase items will just be as common as random purples. You can't even craft some of them like infamy so there's no reason to craft muskets anymore, unless you want one for some specific niche use. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong? Because I really hope this is the case. I don't believe the Developers would ruin their game just because a vocal minority is whining because it's "too hard to get them". This is a mmo, not a moba or other genre like that.


@ahmahgad Devs : 🤬 crafters :)

Mikiish [Edited]

Hello i'm not sure if I can have an answer but I'll give it a try : I'm trying to know what are the drop rate for named items (tied to zone or fully global drop) that can be found on mobs and bosses, such as "Harbinger of ..."

ps : this guide is an extremely good news because there are excellent named items that I wish I could bump to 600 legendary or that can't even drop in 600 anyway (ambusti inferior items namely)

ahmagad [Edited]

what about the people who farmed hundreds of dungeons just to get their legendary items? Named items are quite common drops in dungeons (I drop one or more every time I do them), in less than one week everyone will have the bis gear without spending much time and effort. What about the crafting in the game? Didn't the devs said they wanted legendaries to be valuable? I really hope this isn't intended because I'm pretty sure this will be detrimental to the game in overall.


I think it's a great change...just wish they were forthcoming with intentions to make these changes. I've spent hundreds of hours fishing for 600s with multiple 599s. Great change for people who haven't started the grind yet!

Xyo Admin

@Hidshot if they show up as legendary on NWDB, then yeah.

Hidshot (Brittia)

Sorry, to clarify, named 59x items will obtain the third (fifth) perk or not?

Xyo Admin

@Gavlan I don't have a video and don't have that much time to spend on PTR right now. AGS has also confirmed that this is intended (updated the post to reflect that).


@Xyo I really want to watch the video how it happens

Xyo Admin

@BazESO it's not speculation. I've tested it (also offered the technical explanation as to why it happens).


Is it pure speculation or we have a video that prove it ?


Hope it stays!

CJ Carnage

Shot Xyo.

Xyo Admin

@SmurfSicles it does indeed, all perks/attributes/gems are gonna reflect the final gear score.


Thanks for the write up! For increasing items to 600, does it also increase the amount of stats? For example, a GS 599 item may give +24, does increasing it to a GS of 600 increase that to +25?

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