@JeanONstreamTV I have slayed those over 400 times now with a full luck kit. Got all weapons and the armor set multiple times EXCEPT the musket. even less in Purple. (only got the Flail, kiteshield, ice gauntlet in purple, all the rest is Legendary)
I am wondering if the Legendary drop are new. If they are, they are dropping more often than the purple version... Is this normal? cause its been over 10h of grind in the same spot without any success...
For an efficiente farm you can kill the following four enemies in Digsite Calamitous repeatedly:
- Harrow the Sickle
- Frostcalle Fawzi
- Thorgar the Destroyer
- Farouk al-Talib
They have a 6 minutes respwan timer.
luck does not work on drops from mobs, it says there (from chests and when collecting resources)