Caparazón de ira corrompida

Legendary Heavy Chestwear Tier V
Check the New Caparazón de ira corrompida
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
528.4 Armor Rating - Elemental 792.6 Armor Rating - Physical

"La matanza y la locura avanzan".

Bind On Pickup Tier V 11.0 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Caparazón de ira corrompida is obtainable.

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If you're commenting about the item not dropping, please check the New Caparazón de ira corrompida first.
ShankMcGankSMG [Edited]

Note: This is my experience and it may not match yours, or other players experiences. Please keep this in mind before downvoting, thanks !

Took 22 hours of farming Siren's Guide to drop. About 18 of it was solo farming, throwing a Lost Bane hatchet with a nature gem and vorpal from behind the crab traps in the corner of her room. It took 6 minutes per solo hatchet-cheese kill and 6 minutes to respawn so 12 minutes per kill, which works out to 5 kills per hour. She can be killed solo (non cheese) if you are geared, but the issue for me was the respawns during the fight with her. 3 or 4 will come from downstairs, plus the Afficionado in her room. A couple company members came out to help me kill her for a bit and eventually it dropped for me. This wasn't the worst part of the set farm for me though, the pants took 22 hours and 20 mins to drop from an archer in Entropy's room in Malevolence.

According to the Dev Blog on Luck, because this set is not considered "named", using luck will hurt you, not help you. The reason is because luck increases the chance that your drop will be a named item. As the pieces of this set are not considered "named items" you are therefore decreasing your chances of getting these pieces to drop if you use luck.

"...when the player finds something in a chest, or gets a drop from a Named monster, Luck improves the player’s chance that the item(s) received will be Named (in the case of weapons and armor)..."

Here's to hoping you get it a lot quicker than I did ! Good luck.

ShankMcGankSMG - Maramma


Dropped from Siren's Guide after about 4 hours

Random Stuff

Drop after like 15hrs farming Guide and Fist. Luck only on bags 2.8x3 and 3 mojor luck trophy. Drop from Siren's Guide.


Got it after about 30 hours of farming Guide and Fist. In a group and solo farming. Got it from Guide

Jambi [Edited]

After about 15 hours of solo farming, Fist and Guide, no drop. Then i found a group of 3 people, and we were rotating Guide, Fist and Gun for 2 hours, and it finally dropped for me from Siren's Guide. It took me overall approximately 17 hours of farming.

I have 8% luck only on my bags, it is better if you have 0% luck here because item is not named and luck helps you to receive more named drops, that means a named item could take a slot in the drop instead of Carapace of Corrupted Rage.


After about 21 hours of farming I had it drop from Siren's Guide. I had 9.9% of luck. 0.5%x3 from luck trophies and 2.8% on each of my satchels.


@miracoro You're gonna have to fight through some mobs first, but Siren's Fist is alone in his room, so you can stay there and kill him every 5 or so mins that he respawns.


any good spot for solo farm ??


After some thinking, the Chardis set is better than this for mutations because of the elemental resistances. I have both sets.

Gudjerat “Gudjerat”

Collect the whole set in 2 days with zero luck

jeanONstreamTV Rare

Droped it with 9.9% luck.


3x Minor Loot Luck Trophy (0.5% each)

3x Luck on my Bags (2.8% each)

Kevin Barac

very tedious grind. im actually in and only got foot and gloves. im running siren bosses daily and yet not even 1 drop. amd i right if i say that luck wont help at all since those arent named items? even worse, with luck those named items may take possible epic drop slots.

Michael Aslanian

Im so happy to see this set being more saught after, ive popularized it on my server xD


Took 3 days. First day 3 hour gun/guide/fist loop with about 20 people, second and third day soloing fist for a few hours each.


got 590 while farming 3siren bosses

Wulfsige Aston

@doghouseg well does it not?


not worth to farm if it dont drop at 590


Got it 593 from Siren's guide

lane woodard

Still dropping under 590 along with the ring Beginning. All other items are dropping fine. Also I have noticed the drop rate for this chest is incredibly low.


With the recent patch, isn't this supposed to drop minimum 590? Still had some under 590 drops today in a group with maxed expertise.

Ram Destiny

Idk why this Gear Set is not FULL Constitution, there is already a Gear Set FULL Strength for Ancients, that's Chardis Gear Set, then why we should farm another almost identical Gear Set? I know the Gloves and the Footwear are full Constitution, but i'm talking about the FULL Set.


Can confirm 590+ drops, but like Novo below me said, its really 🤬ing annoying since it drops below 590 a lot more often.

Novo Jogador [Edited]

My friend dropped it 590+ from named bosses in Forecastle Drift (SIiren's Guide, ...). The problem is the same of Harbinger set from Ambusti, the monsters are lvl 63, it's possible to drop with low gs.


@Ego i would love to. as soon as i see how to


@DropsExpert could you share a photo? Seeing one at 600 would help motivate me towards farming for it again.

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Name Rarity Tier Requirements
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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