Heraldo de la muerte

Legendary Heavy Glove Tier V
Check the New Heraldo de la muerte
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
226.4 Armor Rating - Elemental 339.7 Armor Rating - Physical

"Nadie quiere ver al heraldo de la muerte, porque suele ser lo último que ve".

Bind On Pickup Tier V 4.7 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Heraldo de la muerte is obtainable.

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If you're commenting about the item not dropping, please check the New Heraldo de la muerte first.
daperl [Edited]

Took a while. I got four Dusks and three Spirits before a sniper dropped Death. So worth it.

SerSerch [Edited]

++ x3 dropped from Scorchvein Sniper 63lvl. no luck

kaylolz [Edited]

Are these considered named items? Should I be using luck gear?

Edit/Update: Got it 13 days later farming 2-5 hrs a day. I had full luck and rabbits foot buff the whole time. Got frustrated and put on corrupt ward tanking gear with no luck and a bane greatsword (and no rabbits foot buff as I was testing to see if I could sustain killing speed). Dropped on my second kill from a sniper beside the supply guard I was killing.. Luck is 🤬 and this game is 🤬. I feel sad for the time I lost farming this. Total Farm time between 25-35 hrs.

4stro PT [Edited]

Farming for about 20h, and the only thing i got is Mana potions, health potions and some depression!

Edit: Quick update, 28h now, no drop yet, im starting to lose my hopes, cant remeber what grass looks like!


Don’t waste time killing Supply Guards!!

Just keep doing the rotation going after the snipers and will eventually drop, you can do it solo and the chances of dropping are way higher cause you can kill tons of them, whilst the Supply Guards are way to hard to kill (requires a group)


Dropped 590 from a Sniper. I spent hours and hours killing supply guards because I thought they had a higher drop chance. Eventually went back to killing mainly snipers and they finally dropped. I probably have 20 plus hours in the gloves. The Chest dropped rather easily.

Mert Yıldırım

this 🤬ing item curses.


dropped 590 from supply guard, no luck gear but bags and turkey leg. took around 18 hours


dropped by sniper for me after roughly 15hrs. full luck gear and bags with 3 major trophies. but i don't think the luck help at all, it's completely rng.


dropped by sniper at inferior


I got these today from a sniper 597 gs. Only wearing the xmas luck equips and jewelry (no trophies etc). God speed

Pythus Arkon

only drops 590 and above if you are above 600 GS or above :)


I have killed Hundreds of Snipers for days and i have yet to see these gloves i honestly don't think they are in the game at this point. Tried with full luck and no luck at this point i don't think they drop from Snipers anymore.

Ego [Edited]

They just drop in Ambusti Inferior. There are no mobs above lv63. If you are solo, I recommend just doing a circle and hitting the archers in a loop. I have this 590+

Nia Blackfyre

@Bmazing User in ambusti inferior there are only lvl63 mobs, where did you farm the gloves?

Bmazing User [Edited]

Got this drop at 590+GS, the trick is you need to farm the monsters that are lv64 or higher, which means you may ignore the sword guys and muskets that are lv63 or lower at shattered mountain, then all the drops you receive will be 590GS or higher.

Monkey King Bananas

Is there any update on the gloves?? I was able to get the chest from a rifleman!! 590GS took hours though.


Harbinger of Dusk and Harbinger of Death are impossible to get 590gs+, they drop from Ambusti Inferior zone, all Scorchvein Supply Guard in this zone have 63lvl, and from enemies 63lvl drop mostly garbage low than <590gs. Don't waste your time on this + thanks amazon.


Just got these at 565 from the Scorchvein Supply Guard that guards the Ancient Chests in Ambusti Inferior. Mob is only 63, so maybe you need to farm a lvl65+ mob to get them to drop >590.


From what to find ? Monster name ? Tell me.

No more comments ^^
Name Rarity Tier Requirements
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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