Incienso potente

Common Consumable Tier V

Aumenta la resistencia a todas las aflicciones en 50 durante 30 minutos.

Removes Effects Categories: ResistBoost
Grants Effects
Incienso potente Aumenta la resistencia a todas las aflicciones en 50 durante 30 minutos. Effect ID: IncenseT5 Duration: 30m Categories: ResistBoost Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • +50 Resistance to Poison
  • +50 Resistance to Disease
  • +50 Resistance to Bleed
  • +50 Resistance to Frostbite
  • +50 Resistance to Curse
  • +50 Resistance to Blight
Tier V 0.5 Weight Max Stack: 100 Requirement: Level 60 Crafted at Taller nivel 5
Quest reward Quest reward Can be crafted Can be crafted
Item Tiers
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It has mostly PVE purposes -- It gives you "resistance" refers to the gauge that ticks down for Acid pools, in corruption zones, or in areas with blight. So you get 50 more points to that gauge! :)


where would you use it? pvp? cannot find a place where I would use it in pve


sweet mother of acid mechanic thank you lord for creating this

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Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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