
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Obtienes un 5.3 % más de blasones de facción.

Grants Effects
Status_Perk_Bags_FactionGain Effect ID: Status_Perk_Bags_FactionGain Categories: UnclampedFactionResourceMod Max Stack: Stacks 3 times 3 Modifiers
  • +0.03 FactionReputationMod — Increases Faction Reputation gain by 3%
  • +0.03 FactionTokensMod — Increases Faction Tokens gain by 3%
Scales with Gear Score Condition: Equipped Item Compatible With: Bag Exclusive Labels: Bonus
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This perk can stack on all 3 bags, meaning 15% + tokens if you have on all 3.

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