
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Recibes un 10 % menos de daño de resistencia al bloquear.

Scales with Gear Score Condition: Unsheathed Compatible With: Rapier, Spear, Kite Shield, Tower Shield, Round Shield, War Hammer, Greatsword, Hatchet, Great Axe Exclusive Labels: Blocking
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AlephZero [Edited]

I tested sturdy on shields (and in other items as well) and it doesn't work!!!!!! A player helped run some tests in duel and I compared 2 shields, one with sturdy and one without and in both cases I take the SAME stamina damage with any combination of light atts, heavy, 3 light att combo and after that I tested it on random mobs and yeah I can confirm the perk is NOT working at all so as of right now it is a wasted slot in ur item so you are better off bringing a sturdy-less shield to tank in expeditions and get another useful perk instead while hopefully someone amazon fix this bug!!!!!

edit: ran another test today (day 1 of season 2) and it seems like they fixed it, at least now I take different amount of damages, idk if close to what they claim 9.6% for a 600gs or not but at least the perk is actively working correctly or not but it is doing something now, while in my previous test it was not doing anything at all.


Sturdy on a Greatsword will reduce stamina damage taken to zero while using Calamity Counter (if the perk is 9.5% or greater).

20ld [Edited]

Has anyone tested if this perk works for blocked damage on a greatsword heavy attack? (Guard Point)

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