Torrente refrescante

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Hatchet Cada ataque de Torrente enfurecido reduce todos los tiempos de reutilización de la hachuela en un 9.2 %. (Tiempo de reutilización de 0.2 s).
Other Gear Cada ataque de Torrente enfurecido reduce todos los tiempos de reutilización de la hachuela en un 5.5 %. (Tiempo de reutilización de 0.2 s).

Scales with Gear Score Condition: Active Item (active weapon bar) Compatible With: Hatchet, Chest, Helmet, Gloves, Pants, Shoes More Efficient On: Hatchet Exclusive Labels: Skill Hatchet
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Amazing User

put this on armor with refreshing move on hatchet


Made 5 cheap armor pieces with Refreshing Torrent. Doesn't stack. Same outcome when wearing 1 piece vs. 5. Weapon perk is way more effective than the armor one.

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