Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Escudo oblongo nocturno Can be crafted Epic V 675
Escudo de torre nocturno Can be crafted Epic V 675
Bastón ígneo nocturno del erudito Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Manopla de hielo nocturna del erudito Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Manoplas de vacío nocturnas del erudito Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Espada ropera nocturna del arquero Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Bastón vital nocturno del sabio Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Mandoble nocturno del arquero Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Trabuco nocturno del soldado Can be crafted Legendary V 675
Mangual nocturno del sabio Can be crafted Legendary V 675
El anillo Epic V 660-700
Inmolación Epic V 660-700
Hacha de bárbaro Epic V 660-700
Héroe de las colinas Epic V 660-700
Puño de Kurok Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Pisada Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
No es un mono Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Un manicomio Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Escama de dragón Can be crafted Rare V 660-700
Hoja de navaja Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Toque de carámbano Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Incendior Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Respuesta evolutiva Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Mondadientes Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Caronte Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Tiro al azar Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Huerto Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Martillo de Nathan Can be crafted Epic V 660-700
Martillo de Nathan Epic V 660-700
Espada larga bestial
Common V 660-700
Hachuela bestial
Common V 660-700
Martillo de guerra bestial
Common V 660-700
Gran hacha bestial
Common V 660-700
Arco bestial
Common V 660-700
Mosquete bestial
Common V 660-700
Escudo redondo bestial
Common V 660-700
Escudo oblongo bestial
Common V 660-700
Escudo de torre bestial
Common V 660-700
Bastón ígneo bestial
Common V 660-700
Bastón vital bestial
Common V 660-700
Espada ropera bestial
Common V 660-700
Lanza bestial
Common V 660-700
Manopla de hielo bestial
Common V 660-700
Manopla de vacío bestial
Common V 660-700
Trabuco bestial
Common V 660-700
Mandoble bestial
Common V 660-700
Mangual bestial
Common V 660-700
Atleta vencido Reward from quest Legendary V 650
La última opción de Agar Epic V 650-700
Mano derecha de escarcha Epic V 650-700